Research, Development and Design
Single-purpose Machines
Our ideas increase the effectiveness and quality of your products and decrease production costs.
Product Research and Development
Are you looking for the technological consulting during the design or development of your product?
Do you need a material engineer expert witness on life expectancy (cyclic durability) or chemical resistance of your product?
Design and Realization of Automatic Lines
Do you need to increase the production capacity or reduce the manufacturing costs?
Does your manufacturing process consist of many repeating steps?
If yes, then it is possible to automatize substantial part of your manufacturing process.
How do we work?
1. Research
The customer introduce us to the problematics. We then do the research and propose a solution.
3. Design
We design a complex machine solution.
5. Installation
Finally, we complete and setup the machine with the client's production line.
2. Development
We manufacture prototypes to verify the functionality of the proposed solution.
4. Manufacturing
We manufacture the machine based on our designs. Furthermore, we present the machine to the client at our workshop.
1. Research
The customer introduce us to the problematics. We then do the research and propose a solution.
2. Development
We manufacture prototypes to verify the functionality of the proposed solution.
3. Design
We design a complex machine solution.
4. Manufacturing
We manufacture the machine based on our designs. Furthermore, we present the machine to the client at our workshop.
5. Installation
Finally, we complete and setup the machine with the client's production line.